use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw( WriteMakefile prompt ); use Config; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions ); my $pwd = getcwd(); unlink 'Makefile'; # remove Makefile to stabilize CC test # # get any command line arguments # my($useXS); GetOptions( 'xs!' => \$useXS, 'pm' => sub { warn "\n\t".'WARNING: Use of "--pm" is deprecated, use "-noxs" instead'."\n\n"; $useXS = 0; }, ); if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $useXS = 0; # force NOXS mode for windows } my $pkg = 'NetAddr::IP::Util'; $pkg =~ /[^:]+$/; my $module = $& .'.pm'; my $cfile = $& .'.c'; my %makeparms = ( NAME => $pkg, VERSION_FROM => $module, # finds $VERSION depend => {$cfile => q[xs_include/ localconf.h config.h localperl.h], }, # PREREQ_PM => {Test::More => 0, # }, LIBS => [], XS => {}, C => [], clean => { FILES => "*.bs *.o *.c *~ tmp* localperl.h auto*"}, realclean => { FILES => "config.h config.log config.status"}, dist => {COMPRESS=>'gzip', SUFFIX=>'gz'} ); # # Check if we have a C compiler unless (defined $useXS) { if (test_cc()) { print "You have a working compiler.\n"; $useXS = 1; # $makeparms{'MYEXTLIB'} = 'netdns$(LIB_EXT)', } else { $useXS = 0; print <<END; I cannot determine if you have a C compiler. I will install the perl-only implementation. You can force installation of the XS version with: perl Makefile.PL --xs END # $makeparms{'MYEXTLIB'} = '', } } my $begin = ''; if ($useXS) { # turn the XS bits on. delete $makeparms{'XS'}; delete $makeparms{'C'}; unless (-e './config.h') { system('./configure'); } my @LIBS; open(F,'config.h') or die "could not open config.h\n"; foreach(<F>) { if ($_ =~ /^#define LIBS([ a-zA-Z-]+)/) { @LIBS = ($1 =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/g); $makeparms{LIBS} = [$1]; last; } } close F; my $link = ''; foreach(@libs) { if ($Config{libs} =~ /$_\b/) { $link .= $_ .' '; } } chop $link; $makeparms{LIBS} = [$link]; open(F,'>localperl.h') or die "could not open localperl.h for write\n"; print F q| /* Written by Makefile.PL * * Do not modify this file, modify Makefile.PL instead * */ |; close F; $begin = q| config :: config.h @$(NOOP) config.h : $(SHELL) configure |; } open(F,'>'); print F q|#!/usr/bin/perl # # DO NOT ALTER THIS FILE # IT IS WRITTEN BY Makefile.PL # EDIT THAT INSTEAD # package NetAddr::IP::Util_IS; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = 1.00; sub pure { return |, (($useXS) ? 0 : 1), q|; } sub not_pure { return |, (($useXS) ? 1 : 0), q|; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME NetAddr::IP::Util_IS - Tell about Pure Perl =head1 SYNOPSIS use NetAddr::IP::Util_IS; $rv = NetAddr::IP::Util_IS->pure; $rv = NetAddr::IP::Util_IS->not_pure; =head1 DESCRIPTION Util_IS indicates whether or not B<NetAddr::IP::Util> was compiled in Pure Perl mode. =over 4 =item * $rv = NetAddr::IP::Util_IS->pure; Returns true if PurePerl mode, else false. =item * $rv = NetAddr::IP::Util_IS->not_pure; Returns true if NOT PurePerl mode, else false =back =cut 1; |; sub test_cc { # # The perl/C check borrowed from Graham Barr's # Scalar-List-Utils distribution. # print "Testing if you have a C compiler and the needed header files....\n"; unless (open(F, ">compile.c")) { warn "Cannot write compile.c, skipping test compilation and installing pure Perl version.\n"; return; } print F <<'EOF'; int main() { return 0; } EOF close(F) or return; my $rv = system("$Config{'ccname'} compile.c -o compile$Config{obj_ext}"); foreach my $file (glob('compile*')) { unlink($file) || warn "Could not delete $file: $!\n"; } return ($rv == 0); } sub MY::top_targets { package MY; my $inherited = shift->SUPER::top_targets(@_); $inherited =~ s/(pure_all\s+::.+)/$1 README/; $begin . $inherited; } sub MY::post_constants { my $post_constants = q| MY_POD2TEXT = |. $Config{scriptdirexp} .'/pod2text' .q| |; } sub MY::postamble { package MY; my $postamble = q| README : |. $module .q| @$(MY_POD2TEXT) |. $module .q| > README |; } WriteMakefile(%makeparms);