#use diagnostics; use NetAddr::IP::Lite; $| = 1; print "1..14\n"; my $test = 1; sub ok() { print 'ok ',$test++,"\n"; } my $four = new NetAddr::IP::Lite(''); # same as my $four120 = new NetAddr::IP::Lite('::4/120'); # same as my $t432 = ''; my $t4120 = '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:4/120'; my $five = new NetAddr::IP::Lite(''); my $t532 = ''; # 1 ## test '""' overload my $txt = sprintf ("%s",$four120); print "got: $txt, exp: $t4120\nnot " unless $txt eq $t4120; &ok; # 2 ## test '""' again $txt = sprintf ("%s",$four); print "got: $txt, exp: $t432\nnot " unless $txt eq $t432; &ok; # 3 ## test 'eq' to scalar print 'failed ',$four," eq $t432\nnot " unless $four eq $t432; &ok; # 4 ## test scalar 'eq' to print "failed $t432 eq ",$four,"\nnot " unless $t432 eq $four; &ok; # 5 ## test 'eq' to self print 'failed ',$four,' eq ', $four,"\nnot " unless $four eq $four; &ok; # 6 ## test 'eq' cidr != print 'failed ',$four,' should not eq ',$four120,"\nnot " if $four eq $four120; &ok; # 7 ## test '==' not for scalars print "failed scalar $t432 should not == ",$four,"\nnot " if $t432 == $four; &ok; # 8 ## test '== not for scalar, reversed args print 'failed scalar ',$four," should not == $t432\nnot " if $four == $t432; &ok; # ========================================== # # test "ne" and "!=" # # 9 ## test 'ne' to scalar print 'failed ',$four120," ne $t432\nnot " unless $four120 ne $t432; &ok; # 10 ## test scalar 'ne' to print "failed $t432 ne ",$four120,"\nnot " unless $t432 ne $four120; &ok; # 11 ## test 'ne' to cidr print 'failed ',$four,' ne ', $four120,"\nnot " unless $four ne $four120; &ok; # 12 ## test '!=' not for scalar, reversed args $rv = $five != $four ? 1 : 0; #print "rv=$rv\n"; print "failed scalar $five != $four\nnot " unless $rv; &ok; # unblessed scalars not welcome undef local $^W; # 13 ## test '!=' not for scalars my $rv = $t432 != $five ? 1 : 0; #print "rv=$rv\n"; print "failed scalar $t432 != ",$five,"\nnot " unless $rv; &ok; # 14 # since both of these are string scalars, the != should fail $rv = $t532 != $t432 ? 1 : 0; #print "rv = $rv\n"; print "failed scalar $t532 != $t432\nnot " if $rv; &ok;