#include "animation.h" #ifndef UNIX #include <SDL.h> // This file import the SDL inteface #else #include <SDL/SDL.h> // This file import the SDL inteface #endif #ifndef PI #define PI 3.14159265f #endif /* class Animation */ Animation::Animation() { } void Animation::tick() { } void Animation::init() { } /* class UserAnimation */ UserAnimation::UserAnimation() { current = -1; } UserAnimation::UserAnimation(Thing* ths) { things.push_back(ths); current = 0; } UserAnimation::UserAnimation(std::vector<Thing*> ths) { things = ths; current = 0; } void UserAnimation::init() { speed = 1.0f; current = -1; kbdlock = 0; mouseX = 0; mouseY = 0; delta = 0.0f; trace = false; showNormals = false; showMe = true; iterations = 0; } void UserAnimation::tick() { #ifdef DEBUG int oldcurrent = current; #endif /* get mouse */ int newmouseX; int newmouseY; unsigned mouseButtons = SDL_GetMouseState(&newmouseX, &newmouseY); if ( mouseButtons & SDL_BUTTON(1) ) { } if ( mouseButtons & SDL_BUTTON(3) ) { } if ( newmouseX != mouseX || newmouseY != mouseY ) { Vec v = Vec(speed*0.1f*(newmouseY-mouseY), speed*0.1f*(newmouseX-mouseX), 0.0f); things.at(current)->rotate(v); mouseX = newmouseX; mouseY = newmouseY; } /* get keyboard */ if ( kbdlock > 0 ) { kbdlock--; } else { Uint8 *kbd = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); /* object selection */ if ( kbd[SDLK_0] ) { current = 0; } if ( kbd[SDLK_1] ) { current = 1; } if ( kbd[SDLK_2] ) { current = 2; } if ( kbd[SDLK_3] ) { current = 3; } if ( kbd[SDLK_4] ) { current = 4; } if ( kbd[SDLK_5] ) { current = 5; } if ( kbd[SDLK_6] ) { current = 6; } if ( kbd[SDLK_7] ) { current = 7; } if ( kbd[SDLK_8] ) { current = 8; } if ( kbd[SDLK_9] ) { current = 9; } if ( kbd[SDLK_RIGHT] ) { current++; kbdlock = 20; } if ( kbd[SDLK_LEFT] ) { current--; kbdlock = 20; } if ( things.size() > 0 ) { if ( current < 0 ) { current = 0; } else { current = current % things.size(); } } else { current = -1; } #ifdef DEBUG if ( current != oldcurrent ) { printf("Switched to object %d\n", current); } #endif /* speed */ if ( kbd[SDLK_LSHIFT] || kbd[SDLK_RSHIFT] ) { speed = 10.0f; } else { if ( kbd[SDLK_LCTRL] || kbd[SDLK_RCTRL] ) { speed = 0.1f; } else { speed = 1.0f; } } /* only do operations if we have a current object */ if ( current > -1 && current < (int)things.size() ) { /* move x */ if ( kbd[SDLK_a] ) { things.at(current)->translate(Vec(1.0f*speed, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } if ( kbd[SDLK_d] ) { things.at(current)->translate(Vec(-1.0f*speed, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } /* move y */ if ( kbd[SDLK_UP] ) { things.at(current)->translate(Vec(0.0f, -1.0f*speed, 0.0f)); } if ( kbd[SDLK_DOWN] ) { things.at(current)->translate(Vec(0.0f, 1.0f*speed, 0.0f)); } /* move z */ if ( kbd[SDLK_w] ) { things.at(current)->translate(Vec(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f*speed)); } if ( kbd[SDLK_s] ) { things.at(current)->translate(Vec(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f*speed)); } /* rotate x */ if ( kbd[SDLK_c] ) { things.at(current)->rotate(Vec(1.0f*speed, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } if ( kbd[SDLK_f] ) { things.at(current)->rotate(Vec(-1.0f*speed, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } /* rotate y */ if ( kbd[SDLK_b] ) { things.at(current)->rotate(Vec(0.0f, 1.0f*speed, 0.0f)); } if ( kbd[SDLK_v] ) { things.at(current)->rotate(Vec(0.0f, -1.0f*speed, 0.0f)); } /* rotate z */ if ( kbd[SDLK_q] ) { things.at(current)->rotate(Vec(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f*speed)); } if ( kbd[SDLK_e] ) { things.at(current)->rotate(Vec(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f*speed)); } /* scaling */ if ( kbd[SDLK_x] ) { things.at(current)->scale(1.01f*speed); printf("anim scale: %f\n", 1.01f*speed); } if ( kbd[SDLK_y] ) { things.at(current)->scale(0.99f*speed); printf("anim scale: %f\n", 0.99f*speed); } /* cycle color */ if ( kbd[SDLK_PERIOD] || kbd[SDLK_COMMA] ) { if ( kbd[SDLK_PERIOD] ) { colorpt--; } else { colorpt++; } if ( colors.size() > 0 ) { colorpt = colorpt % colors.size(); things.at(current)->setColor(colors.at(colorpt)); kbdlock = 20; } } /* normals */ if ( kbd[SDLK_n] ) { if ( showNormals ) { things.at(current)->hideNormals(); showNormals = false; } else { things.at(current)->showNormals(); showNormals = true; } kbdlock = 20; } /* show/hide object */ if ( kbd[SDLK_h] ) { if ( showMe ) { things.at(current)->hide(); } else { things.at(current)->show(); } showMe = !showMe; kbdlock = 20; } /* delta */ if ( kbd[SDLK_m] ) { if ( delta > 0.0f ) { if ( delta < PI/4.0f ) { delta = 0.0f; } else { delta = delta/2.0f; } } else { delta = PI; } things.at(current)->setDelta(delta); kbdlock = 20; } /* fractal iterations */ if ( kbd[SDLK_i] ) { iterations = iterations % 5; iterations++; things.at(current)->setIterations(iterations); kbdlock = 20; } /* trace */ if ( kbd[SDLK_t] ) { things.at(current)->trace(trace); trace = !trace; kbdlock = 20; } } } } void UserAnimation::addThing(Thing* t) { things.push_back(t); if ( current < 0 ) { current = 0; } } void UserAnimation::addColor(Color* c) { colors.push_back(c); if ( colorpt < 0 ) { colorpt = 0; } } UserAnimation::~UserAnimation ( ) { } /* class StaticAnimation */ StaticAnimation::StaticAnimation ( ) { } StaticAnimation::StaticAnimation ( Thing* t ) { this->addThing(t); } void StaticAnimation::init ( ) { speed = 1.0f; rot_diff = new Vec(0,0,0); pos_diff = new Vec(0,0,0); amb_diff = new Vec(0,0,0); spec_diff = new Vec(0,0,0); } void StaticAnimation::addThing ( Thing* t ) { things.push_back(t); } void StaticAnimation::tick ( ) { if ( things.size() > 0 ) { for ( std::vector<Thing*>::size_type i = 0; i < things.size(); i++ ) { things.at(i)->translate(*pos_diff*speed); things.at(i)->rotate(*rot_diff*speed); // TODO change color } } } void StaticAnimation::setSpeed ( float s ) { speed = s; } void StaticAnimation::setRot ( Vec r ) { rot_diff = r.clone(); } void StaticAnimation::setPos ( Vec p ) { pos_diff = p.clone(); } StaticAnimation::~StaticAnimation ( ) { delete rot_diff; delete pos_diff; delete amb_diff; delete spec_diff; }