require 'puppet/util/network_device/base' require 'puppet/util/network_device/mikrotik/facts' class Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Mikrotik::Device < Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Base def initialize(url) Puppet.debug("Puppet::Util::NetDevice::Mikrotik::Device:initialize: #{url}") super(url) transport.default_prompt = /\[[^@\[\]]+@[^@\[\]]+\]\s>\s\z/n ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.method(:disconnect).to_proc) end def connect transport.connect unless @transport_connected @transport_connected = true end def self.disconnect transport.close end def command(cmd = nil) connect out = execute(cmd) if cmd yield self if block_given? #connect out end def execute(cmd) transport.command(cmd) end def facts @facts ||= facts = {} command do |ng| facts = @facts.retrieve end facts end def parse_firewall_addresslists(family) lists = {} lines = [] pos = '' flag = '' comment = '' execute("/#{family} firewall address-list print detail without-paging\r").split(/[\n\r]+/).each do |l| case l when /^\s*(\d+)\s([X\s])\s;;;\s(.*)\s*$/ pos = $1 flag = $2 comment = $3 when /^\s*list=(\S+)\saddress=([^ ]+)\s*$/ lines << "#{pos} #{flag} comment=#{comment} list=#{$1} address=#{$2}" when /.*/ lines << l end end lines.each do |l| case l when /^\s*(\d+)\s([X\s])\slist=(\S+)\saddress=([^ ]+)\s*$/ name = $3 lists[name] = {:listname => name} unless lists[name] lists[name]['pos'] = {} unless lists[name]['pos'] lists[name]['pos'][$1] = $4 newdis = ($2 == 'X') ? 'yes' : 'no' lists[name][:disabled] = (lists[name][:disabled] and (newdis != lists[name][:disabled])) ? 'maybe' : newdis (lists[name][:address] ||= []) << $4 lists[name][:address].sort! when /^\s*(\d+)\s([X\s])\scomment=(.*)\slist=(\S+)\saddress=([^ ]+)\s*$/ name = $4 lists[name] = {:listname => name} unless lists[name] lists[name]['pos'] = {} unless lists[name]['pos'] lists[name]['pos'][$1] = $5 newdis = ($2 == 'X') ? 'yes' : 'no' lists[name][:disabled] = (lists[name][:disabled] and (newdis != lists[name][:disabled])) ? 'maybe' : newdis lists[name][:comment] = $3 (lists[name][:address] ||= []) << $5 lists[name][:address].sort! end end lists end def update_firewall_addresslist(family, listname, is = {}, should = {}) lists = parse_firewall_addresslists(family) || {} if should[:ensure] == :absent "Removing address list #{listname}" cmd = "/#{family} firewall address-list remove " cmd += lists[listname]['pos'].keys.sort_by(&:to_i).reverse.join(',') Puppet.debug("update_#{family}_firewall_addresslist: #{cmd}") execute("#{cmd}\r") return end addr_is = [is[:address]].flatten.sort addr_should = [should[:address]].flatten.sort if lists[listname] "Updating address list #{listname} (#{addr_should.join(',')})" if (is[:comment] != should[:comment]) or (is[:disabled] != should[:disabled]) cmd = "/#{family} firewall address-list set" cmd += " comment=\"#{should[:comment]}\"" unless is[:comment] == should[:comment] cmd += " disabled=#{should[:disabled]}" unless is[:disabled] == should[:disabled] cmd += " numbers=#{lists[listname]['pos'].keys.join(',')}" Puppet.debug("update_#{family}_firewall_addresslist: #{cmd}") execute("#{cmd}\r") end if !(addr_is == addr_should) (addr_should - addr_is).each do |address| cmd = "/#{family} firewall address-list add list=#{listname}" cmd += " disabled=#{should[:disabled]}" if should[:disabled] cmd += " comment=\"#{should[:comment]}\"" if should[:comment] cmd += " address=#{address}" Puppet.debug("update_#{family}_firewall_addresslist: #{cmd}") execute("#{cmd}\r") end if (addr_is - addr_should).size > 0 cmd = "/#{family} firewall address-list remove " cmd += lists[listname]['pos'].select{|k,v| (addr_is - addr_should).include? v}.collect{|x| x.first}.sort_by(&:to_i).reverse.join(',') Puppet.debug("update_#{family}_firewall_addresslist: #{cmd}") execute("#{cmd}\r") end end else "Creating address list #{listname} (#{addr_should.join(',')})" addr_should.each do |address| cmd = "/#{family} firewall address-list add list=#{listname}" cmd += " disabled=#{should[:disabled]}" if should[:disabled] cmd += " comment=\"#{should[:comment]}\"" if should[:comment] cmd += " address=#{address}" Puppet.debug("update_#{family}_firewall_addresslist: #{cmd}") execute("#{cmd}\r") end end end def parse_items(cmd, flags_regex, prop_mapping, name_property=:name, array_properties=[]) items = {} lines = [] lastline = '' execute("#{cmd}\r").split(/[\n\r]+/).each do |l| case l when /^\s*(\d+)\s(#{flags_regex})\s;;;\s(.*)\s*$/ lines << lastline lastline = "#{$1} #{$2} comment=\"#{$3}\"" when /^\s*(\d+)\s(#{flags_regex})\s(.*)\s*$/ lines << lastline lastline = "#{$1} #{$2} #{$3}" when /\[[^@\[\]]+@[^@\[\]]+\]\s>\s/ #transport.default_prompt # ignore the prompt lines << lastline lastline = '' when /.*/ lastline = "#{lastline} #{l}" end end lines << lastline lines.each do |l| case l when /^\s*(\d+)\s(#{flags_regex})\s+(.*?)\s*$/ item = {'pos' => $1} flags = $2 properties = $3 # parse_flags with custom code, item is skipped if code does not return anything o = yield(flags) if block_given? next unless o or !block_given? item.merge!(o) if o until properties == '' do break unless properties case properties when /^([a-z0-9-]+)="([^"]*)"\s*(.*?)\s*$/ propkey=$1 propval=$2 properties = $3 when /^([a-z0-9-]+)=([^ ]*)\s*(.*?)\s*$/ propkey=$1 propval=$2 properties = $3 when /^\s*$/ properties = '' when /^[^=]+?(?:\s+(.*?))?\s*$/ properties = $1 end next unless prop_mapping[propkey] if array_properties.include? propkey item[prop_mapping[propkey]] = propval.split(',') else item[prop_mapping[propkey]] = propval end end next unless item[name_property] items[item[name_property]] = item end end items end def update_item(label, items, cmd_prefix, prop_mapping, name, is={}, should={}, name_property=:name) if should[:ensure] == :absent "Removing #{label} #{name}" cmd = "#{cmd_prefix} remove #{items[name]['pos']}" Puppet.debug("update_item(#{label}): #{cmd}") execute("#{cmd}\r") return end if items[name] "Updating #{label} #{name}" cmd = "#{cmd_prefix} set numbers=#{items[name]['pos']}" else "Creating #{label} #{name}" cmd = "#{cmd_prefix} add" end should[name_property] = name unless should[name_property] # make sure we always have a name (defaults to name) prop_mapping.each do |l,k| next unless should[k] next unless should[k] != is[k] val = [should[k]].flatten.join(',') val = "\"#{val}\"" if val =~/[\s=]/ cmd += " #{l}=#{val}" end Puppet.debug("update_item(#{label}): #{cmd}") execute("#{cmd}\r") end VLAN_PROPERTIES = { 'name' => :name, 'arp' => :arp, 'comment' => :comment, 'disabled' => :disabled, 'interface' => :interface, 'l2mtu' => :l2mtu, 'mtu' => :mtu, 'use-service-tag' => :useservicetag, 'vlan-id' => :vlanid, } def parse_interface_vlans parse_items('/interface vlan print detail without-paging', /[\sXRS]{2}/, VLAN_PROPERTIES) do |flags| { :disabled => (flags =~ /X/) ? 'yes' : 'no' } end end def update_interface_vlan(name, is = {}, should = {}) update_item('VLAN', parse_interface_vlans(), '/interface vlan', VLAN_PROPERTIES, name, is, should) end ADDRESS_PROPERTIES = { 'address' => :address, 'advertise' => :advertise, 'comment' => :comment, 'disabled' => :disabled, 'eui-64' => :eui64, 'from-pool' => :frompool, 'interface' => :interface, 'network' => :network, 'netmask' => :netmask, 'broadcast' => :broadcast, } def parse_addresses(family) parse_items("/#{family} address print detail without-paging", /[\sXID][GL]?/, ADDRESS_PROPERTIES, :address) do |flags| { :disabled => (flags =~ /X/) ? 'yes' : 'no' } unless flags =~ /D/ # ignore dynamic addresses end end def update_address(family, address, is={}, should={}) update_item("#{family} address", parse_addresses(family), "/#{family} address", ADDRESS_PROPERTIES, address, is, should, :address) end ROUTE_PROPERTIES = { 'bgp-as-path' => :bgpaspath, 'bgp-atomic-aggregate' => :bgpatomicaggregate, 'bgp-communities' => :bgpcommunities, 'bgp-local-pref' => :bgplocalpref, 'bgp-med' => :bgpmed, 'bgp-origin' => :bgporigin, 'bgp-prepend' => :bgpprepend, 'check-gateway' => :checkgateway, 'comment' => :comment, 'disabled' => :disabled, 'distance' => :distance, 'dst-address' => :route, 'gateway' => :gateway, 'route-tag' => :routetag, 'scope' => :scope, 'target-scope' => :targetscope, 'type' => :type, 'pref-src' => :prefsrc, 'routing-mark' => :routingmark, 'vrf-interface' => :vrfinterface, } def parse_routes(family) parse_items("/#{family} route print detail without-paging", /[\sXADCSrobmPUB]{4}/, ROUTE_PROPERTIES, :route, ['gateway','bgp-communities']) do |flags| { :disabled => (flags =~ /X/) ? 'yes' : 'no', :type => (flags =~ /U/) ? 'unreachable' : ((flags =~ /P/) ? 'prohibit' : ((flags =~ /B/) ? 'blackhole' : 'unicast')), } unless flags =~ /[DC]/ # ignore dynamic & connected routes end end def update_route(family, route, is={}, should={}) update_item("#{family} route", parse_routes(family), "/#{family} route", ROUTE_PROPERTIES, route, is, should, :route) end TUNNEL_PROPERTIES = { 'name' => :name, 'comment' => :comment, 'disabled' => :disabled, 'local-address' => :localaddress, 'mtu' => :mtu, 'remote-address' => :remoteaddress, } def parse_interface_6to4s parse_items('/interface 6to4 print detail without-paging', /[\sXR]{2}/, TUNNEL_PROPERTIES) do |flags| { :disabled => (flags =~ /X/) ? 'yes' : 'no' } end end def update_interface_6to4(name, is = {}, should = {}) update_item('6to4 tunnel', parse_interface_6to4s(), '/interface 6to4', TUNNEL_PROPERTIES, name, is, should) end LEASE_PROPERTIES = { 'address' => :address, 'comment' => :comment, 'disabled' => :disabled, 'address-list' => :addresslist, 'always-broadcast' => :alwaysbroadcast, 'block-access' => :blockaccess, 'client-id' => :clientid, 'lease-time' => :leasetime, 'mac-address' => :macaddress, 'rate-limit' => :ratelimit, 'server' => :server, 'use-src-mac' => :usesrcmac, } def parse_ip_dhcpserver_leases parse_items('/ip dhcp-server lease print detail without-paging', /[\sXRDB]/, LEASE_PROPERTIES, :address) do |flags| { :disabled => (flags =~ /X/) ? 'yes' : 'no' } unless flags =~ /D/ # ignore dynamic leases end end def update_ip_dhcpserver_lease(address, is = {}, should = {}) update_item('DHCP lease', parse_ip_dhcpserver_leases(), '/ip dhcp-server lease', LEASE_PROPERTIES, address, is, should, :address) end OVPNCLIENT_PROPERTIES = { 'name' => :name, 'comment' => :comment, 'disabled' => :disabled, 'add-default-route' => :adddefaultroute, 'auth' => :auth, 'certificate' => :certificate, 'cipher' => :cipher, 'connect-to' => :connectto, 'mac-address' => :macaddress, 'max-mtu' => :maxmtu, 'mode' => :mode, 'password' => :password, 'port' => :port, 'profile' => :profile, 'user' => :user, } def parse_interface_ovpnclients parse_items('/interface ovpn-client print detail without-paging', /[\sXR]{2}/, OVPNCLIENT_PROPERTIES, :name) do |flags| { :disabled => (flags =~ /X/) ? 'yes' : 'no' } end end def update_interface_ovpnclient(name, is = {}, should = {}) update_item('OVPN client', parse_interface_ovpnclients(), '/interface ovpn-client', OVPNCLIENT_PROPERTIES, name, is, should, :name) end end