//#isut // test creation of instance, usage of reference, and set statment througth inheritance // it test also usage of anonymous classes and call attribute form them. class A { Int a; Int b; } class B { A a; Int c; Int d; } { A a = new A(1,2); B b = new B(a, 3, 4); printInt(a.a); printChar(32); printInt(b.c); printChar(32); printInt(b.a.a); printChar(32); printInt(new B(new A(10,20), 30, 40).c); printChar(32); printChar(45); printChar(32); { B b2 = new B(a, 32, 42); B b3 = b2; printInt(b2.a.a); printChar(61); printInt(b3.a.a); }; printChar(32); }