//a class without extends class TestSystematic { //test member definition Int member; //Test function without parameter Null functionNoPar() { } //Test functions with one parameter Null functionOne(Int x) { } //Test functions with two parameters Null functionTwo(Int x, Int y) { } //Test statements Null testStat() { while (a == b) { a; b; c; } type name = init; name = init; a == b; printInt(1); printChar(1); } Null testIf() { if (a) b; if (a) b else d; } //Test the factors Null testFactors() { ident; 123; "hello"; true; false; this; null; readInt; readChar; (a); { a; }; { a; return b }; new Test(); new Test(a, b, c); factor.ident; factor.ident(); factor.ident(a, b, c); } //test syntactic sugar Null syntaxSugar() { true; false; a || b; if (a) b; {}; "abcd"; } //test operator precedence Null operatorPrec() { a + b * c; a + b * -c; (a+b) * c; -(a+b) * c; a == b + c * d && e; } } //a class with extends class Systematic2 extends Systematic { } foobar.main()