zweic / sources / zweic /
@glproj03 glproj03 on 19 Jan 2006 19 KB added RISC
package zweic;

public interface RISC {

    // Word size

    /** The word size */
    public static final int WORD_SIZE = 4;

    // Opcodes - instructions with registers

     * <p>Opcode: integer addition.</p>
     * <b><code>ADD a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b + R.c</code>
    public static final int ADD  =  0;

     * <p>Opcode: integer subtraction.</p>
     * <b><code>SUB a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b - R.c</code>
    public static final int SUB  =  1;

     * <p>Opcode: integer multiplication.</p>
     * <b><code>MUL a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b * R.c</code>
    public static final int MUL  =  2;

     * <p>Opcode: integer division.</p>
     * <b><code>DIV a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b / R.c</code>
    public static final int DIV  =  3;

     * <p>Opcode: integer modulo.</p>
     * <b><code>MOD a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b % R.c</code>
    public static final int MOD  =  4;

     * <p>Opcode: integer comparison.</p>
     * <b><code>CMP a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = &lt;a value with the same sign as (R.b - R.c)
     *    but with a possibly different magnitude&gt;</code>
    public static final int CMP  =  5;

     * <p>Opcode: logical or.</p>
     * <b><code>OR a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b | R.c</code>
    public static final int OR   =  8;

     * <p>Opcode: logical and.</p>
     * <b><code>AND a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b & R.c</code>
    public static final int AND  =  9;

     * <p>Opcode: logical bic.</p>
     * <b><code>BIC a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b & ~R.c</code>
    public static final int BIC  = 10;

     * <p>Opcode: logical xor.</p>
     * <b><code>XOR a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b ^ R.c</code>
    public static final int XOR  = 11;

     * <p>Opcode: logical shift.</p>
     * <b><code>LSH a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = (R.c &gt; 0) ?
     *      (R.b &lt;&lt; R.c) : (R.b &gt;&gt;&gt; -R.c)</code>
    public static final int LSH  = 12;

     * <p>Opcode: arithmetic shift.</p>
     * <b><code>ASH a b c</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = (R.c &gt; 0) ?
     *      (R.b &lt;&lt; R.c) : (R.b &gt;&gt; -R.c)</code>
    public static final int ASH  = 13;

     * <p>Opcode: bound check.</p>
     * <b><code>CHK a c</code></b><br>
     *    raise an error if not <code>(0 &lt;= R.a < R.c)</code>
    public static final int CHK  = 14;

    // Opcodes - instructions with register and signed immediate

     * <p>Opcode: integer addition with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>ADDI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b + ic</code>
    public static final int ADDI    = 16;

     * <p>Opcode: integer subtraction with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>SUBI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b - ic</code>
    public static final int SUBI    = 17;

     * <p>Opcode: integer multiplication with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>MULI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b * ic</code>
    public static final int MULI    = 18;

     * <p>Opcode: integer division with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>DIVI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b / ic</code>
    public static final int DIVI    = 19;

     * <p>Opcode: integer modulo with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>MODI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b % ic</code>
    public static final int MODI    = 20;

     * <p>Opcode: integer comparison with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>CMPI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = &lt;a value with the same sign as (R.b - ic)
     *    but with a possibly different magnitude&gt;</code>
    public static final int CMPI    = 21;

     * <p>Opcode: logical or with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>ORI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b | ic</code>
    public static final int ORI     = 24;

     * <p>Opcode: logical and with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>ANDI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b & ic</code>
    public static final int ANDI    = 25;

     * <p>Opcode: logical bic with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>BICI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b & ~ic</code>
    public static final int BICI    = 26;

     * <p>Opcode: logical xor with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>XORI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b ^ ic</code>
    public static final int XORI    = 27;

     * <p>Opcode: logical shift with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>LSHI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = (ic &gt; 0) ?
     *      (R.b &lt;&lt; ic) : (R.b &gt;&gt;&gt; -ic)</code>
    public static final int LSHI    = 28;

     * <p>Opcode: arithmetic shift with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>ASHI a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = (ic &gt; 0) ?
     *      (R.b &lt;&lt; ic) : (R.b &gt;&gt; -ic)</code>
    public static final int ASHI    = 29;

     * <p>Opcode: bound check with signed immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>CHKI a ic</code></b><br>
     *    raise an error if not <code>(0 &lt;= R.a < ic)</code>
    public static final int CHKI    = 30;

    // Opcodes - instructions with register and unsigned immediate

     * <p>Opcode: integer addition with unsigned immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>ADDIU a b uc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b + uc</code>
    public static final int ADDIU   = 54;

     * <p>Opcode: integer subtraction with unsigned immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>SUBIU a b uc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b - uc</code>
    public static final int SUBIU   = 55;

     * <p>Opcode: integer multiplication with unsigned immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>MULIU a b uc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b * uc</code>
    public static final int MULIU   = 56;

     * <p>Opcode: integer division with unsigned immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>DIVIU a b uc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b / uc</code>
    public static final int DIVIU   = 57;

     * <p>Opcode: integer modulo with unsigned immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>MODIU a b uc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b % uc</code>
    public static final int MODIU   = 58;

     * <p>Opcode: integer comparison with unsigned immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>CMPIU a b uc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = &lt;a value with the same sign as (R.b - uc)
     *    but with a possibly different magnitude&gt;</code>
    public static final int CMPIU   = 59;

     * <p>Opcode: logical or with unsigned immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>ORIU a b uc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b | uc</code>
    public static final int ORIU    = 60;

     * <p>Opcode: logical and with unsigned immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>ANDIU a b uc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b & uc</code>
    public static final int ANDIU   = 61;

     * <p>Opcode: logical bic with unsigned immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>BICIU a b uc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b & ~uc</code>
    public static final int BICIU   = 62;

     * <p>Opcode: logical xor with unsigned immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>XORIU a b uc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = R.b ^ uc</code>
    public static final int XORIU   = 63;

     * <p>Opcode: bound check with unsigned immediate.</p>
     * <b><code>CHKIU a uc</code></b><br>
     *    raise an error if not <code>(0 &lt;= R.a < uc)</code>
    public static final int CHKIU   = 39;

    // Opcodes - load/store instructions

     * <p>Opcode: load word from memory. The address <code>R.b</code>
     * must be aligned on a word boundary.</p>
     * <b><code>LDW a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = &lt;word at address R.b + ic&gt;</code>
    public static final int LDW  = 32;

     * <p>Opcode: load byte from memory.</p>
     * <b><code>LDB a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = &lt;byte at address R.b + ic&gt;</code>
    public static final int LDB  = 33;

     * <p>Opcode: pop word from stack. The address <code>R.b</code> must
     * be aligned on a word boundary.</p>
     * <b><code>POP a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.a = &lt;word at address R.b&gt;</code><br>
     *    <code>R.b = R.b + ic</code>
    public static final int POP  = 34;

     * <p>Opcode: store word into memory. The address <code>R.b</code>
     * must be aligned on a word boundary.</p>
     * <b><code>STW a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>&lt;word at address R.b + ic&gt; = R.a</code>
    public static final int STW  = 36;

     * <p>Opcode: store byte into memory.</p>
     * <b><code>STB a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>&lt;byte at address R.b + ic&gt; = (byte)R.a</code>
    public static final int STB  = 37;

     * <p>Opcode: push word on stack. The address <code>R.b</code> must
     * be aligned on a word boundary.</p>
     * <b><code>PSH a b ic</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.b = R.b - ic</code><br>
     *    <code>&lt;word at address R.b&gt; = R.a</code>
    public static final int PSH  = 38;

    // Opcodes - control instructions

     * <p>Opcode: branch if equal.</p>
     * <b><code>BEQ a oc</code></b><br>
     *    branch to <code>(PC + 4*oc)</code> if <code>(R.a == 0)</code>
    public static final int BEQ  = 40;

     * <p>Opcode: branch if not equal.</p>
     * <b><code>BNE a oc</code></b><br>
     *    branch to <code>(PC + 4*oc)</code> if <code>(R.a != 0)</code>
    public static final int BNE  = 41;

     * <p>Opcode: branch if less than.</p>
     * <b><code>BLT a oc</code></b><br>
     *    branch to <code>(PC + 4*oc)</code> if <code>(R.a < 0)</code>
    public static final int BLT  = 42;

     * <p>Opcode: branch if greater or equal.</p>
     * <b><code>BGE a oc</code></b><br>
     *    branch to <code>(PC + 4*oc)</code> if <code>(R.a >= 0)</code>
    public static final int BGE  = 43;

     * <p>Opcode: branch if equal less or equal.</p>
     * <b><code>BLE a oc</code></b><br>
     *    branch to <code>(PC + 4*oc)</code> if <code>(R.a <= 0)</code>
    public static final int BLE  = 44;

     * <p>Opcode: branch if greater than.</p>
     * <b><code>BGT a oc</code></b><br>
     *    branch to <code>(PC + 4*oc)</code> if <code>(R.a > 0)</code>
    public static final int BGT  = 45;

     * <p>Opcode: branch to subroutine.</p>
     * <b><code>BSR oc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.31 = PC + 4</code><br>
     *    branch to <code>(PC + 4*oc)</code>
    public static final int BSR  = 46;

     * <p>Opcode: jump to subroutine.</p>
     * <b><code>JSR lc</code></b><br>
     *    <code>R.31 = PC + 4</code><br>
     *    branch to <code>(4*lc)</code>
    public static final int JSR  = 48;

     * <p>Opcode: jump to return address.</p>
     * <b><code>RET c</code></b><br>
     *    jump to <code>R.c</code>
    public static final int RET  = 49;

    // Opcodes - miscellaneous instructions

     * <p>Opcode: stop execution and return to debugger.</p>
     * <b><code>BREAK</code></b><br>
     *    stop execution and return to debugger
    public static final int BREAK   = 6;

     * <p>Opcode: invoke a system function.</p>
     * <b><code>SYSCALL a b uc</b></code><br>
     *    invoke system function <code>uc</code> with registers
     *    <code>R.a</code> and <code>R.b</code>
    public static final int SYSCALL = 7;

    // System calls - IO read

     * <p>System call: read one character.</p>
     * <b><code>SYSCALL a 0 SYS_IO_RD_CHR</b></code><br>
     *    <code>R.a = &lt;Unicode of read character or -1 if EOF&gt;</code>
    public static final int SYS_IO_RD_CHR = 1;

     * <p>System call: read an integer.</p>
     * <b><code>SYSCALL a 0 SYS_IO_RD_INT</b></code><br>
     *    <code>R.a = &lt;value of read integer&gt;</code>
    public static final int SYS_IO_RD_INT = 2;

    // System calls - IO write

     * <p>System call: write one character.</p>
     * <b><code>SYSCALL a 0 SYS_IO_WR_CHR</b></code><br>
     *    <code>&lt;write character with Unicode R.a&gt;</code>
    public static final int SYS_IO_WR_CHR = 6;

     * <p>System call: write an integer.</p>
     * <b><code>SYSCALL a b SYS_IO_WR_INT</b></code><br>
     *    <code>&lt;write signed value R.a in decimal format and
     *          space padded to width R.b&gt;</code>
    public static final int SYS_IO_WR_INT = 7;

    // System calls - garbage collector

     * <p>System call: initialize the garbage collector.</p>
     * <p>The garbage collector is initialized with an empty heap that
     * starts at address <code>R.a</cod> and with a maximum size of
     * <code>sz = R.b & 0x07FFFFFF</code> words. If <code>sz</code> is
     * zero then the heap extends to the end of the memory.</p>
     * <p>The value <code>sp = R.b &gt;&gt;&gt; 27</code> determines
     * whether there is a stack and which register is the stack
     * pointer: if <code>sp</code> is non-zero, the garbage collector
     * assumes that there is a stack and that <code>R.sp</code> is the
     * stack pointer register. It is assumed that the stack starts at
     * the end of the memory and grows downwards.<p>
     * <p>During a garbage collection, the garbage collector frees all
     * the memory blocks which are not referenced by any live
     * pointer. A live pointer (resp. value) is either a root pointer
     * (resp. value) or a pointer (resp. value) contained in a block
     * referenced by a live pointer. Note that as there is no way to
     * distinguish between pointers and non-pointer values, all values
     * are regarded as pointers. A root value is one that is contained
     * in a register, in the memory below the heap or in the stack. If
     * there is no stack, all the values contained in the memory above
     * the heap are also root values.<p>
     * <b><code>SYSCALL a b SYS_GC_INIT</b></code><br>
     *    <code>&lt;initialize the garbage collector&gt;</code>
    public static final int SYS_GC_INIT = 11;

     * <p>System call: allocate a memory block from the heap.</p>
     * <p>Allocates a memory block of, at least, <code>R.b</code>
     * bytes from the heap and returns its address in
     * <code>R.a</code>. The allocated memory is zero-initialized and
     * its address is guaranteed to be aligned on a word boundary. If
     * there is not enough free memory, a garbage collection is
     * triggered and if this doesn't free enough memory, an error is
     * raised and the execution stopped.<p>
     * <b><code>SYSCALL a b SYS_GC_ALLOC</b></code><br>
     *    <code>R.a = &lt;address of the newly allocated and
     *          zero-initialized memory block of R.b bytes&gt;</code>
    public static final int SYS_GC_ALLOC = 12;

    // System calls - miscellaneous

     * <p>System call: get memory size.</p>
     * <b><code>SYSCALL a 0 SYS_GET_TOTAL_MEM_SIZE</b></code><br>
     *    <code>R.a = &lt;memory size in bytes&gt;</code>
    public static final int SYS_GET_TOTAL_MEM_SIZE = 13;

     * <p>System call: flush the output stream.</p>
     * <b><code>SYSCALL 0 0 SYS_IO_FLUSH</b></code><br>
     *    <code>&lt;flush the output stream&gt;</code>
    public static final int SYS_IO_FLUSH = 15;

     * <p>System call: terminate the emulation.</p>
     * <b><code>SYSCALL a 0 SYS_EXIT</b></code><br>
     *    <code>&lt;terminates the emulation with status code R.a&gt;</code>
    public static final int SYS_EXIT = 19;

    // Registers

    /** Register: zero */
    public static final int ZERO =  0;

    /** Register: function result */
    public static final int RES  = 1;

    /** Register: stack pointer */
    public static final int SP   = 30;

    /** Register: return address */
    public static final int LNK  = 31;

    // Data structures

    /** String representation of instructions */
    public static final String[] mnemonics = Helper.getMnemonics();

    // class Helper

    public class Helper {

        public static String[] getMnemonics() {
            String[] mnemonics = new String[64];

            mnemonics[ADD    ] = "add";
            mnemonics[SUB    ] = "sub";
            mnemonics[MUL    ] = "mul";
            mnemonics[DIV    ] = "div";
            mnemonics[MOD    ] = "mod";
            mnemonics[CMP    ] = "cmp";
            mnemonics[OR     ] = "or";
            mnemonics[AND    ] = "and";
            mnemonics[BIC    ] = "bic";
            mnemonics[XOR    ] = "xor";
            mnemonics[LSH    ] = "lsh";
            mnemonics[ASH    ] = "ash";
            mnemonics[CHK    ] = "chk";

            mnemonics[ADDI   ] = "addi";
            mnemonics[SUBI   ] = "subi";
            mnemonics[MULI   ] = "muli";
            mnemonics[DIVI   ] = "divi";
            mnemonics[MODI   ] = "modi";
            mnemonics[CMPI   ] = "cmpi";
            mnemonics[ORI    ] = "ori";
            mnemonics[ANDI   ] = "andi";
            mnemonics[BICI   ] = "bici";
            mnemonics[XORI   ] = "xori";
            mnemonics[LSHI   ] = "lshi";
            mnemonics[ASHI   ] = "ashi";
            mnemonics[CHKI   ] = "chki";

            mnemonics[ADDIU  ] = "addiu";
            mnemonics[SUBIU  ] = "subiu";
            mnemonics[MULIU  ] = "muliu";
            mnemonics[DIVIU  ] = "diviu";
            mnemonics[MODIU  ] = "modiu";
            mnemonics[CMPIU  ] = "cmpiu";
            mnemonics[ORIU   ] = "oriu";
            mnemonics[ANDIU  ] = "andiu";
            mnemonics[BICIU  ] = "biciu";
            mnemonics[XORIU  ] = "xoriu";
            mnemonics[CHKIU  ] = "chkiu";

            mnemonics[LDW    ] = "ldw";
            mnemonics[LDB    ] = "ldb";
            mnemonics[POP    ] = "pop";
            mnemonics[STW    ] = "stw";
            mnemonics[STB    ] = "stb";
            mnemonics[PSH    ] = "psh";

            mnemonics[BEQ    ] = "beq";
            mnemonics[BNE    ] = "bne";
            mnemonics[BLT    ] = "blt";
            mnemonics[BGE    ] = "bge";
            mnemonics[BLE    ] = "ble";
            mnemonics[BGT    ] = "bgt";
            mnemonics[BSR    ] = "bsr";
            mnemonics[JSR    ] = "jsr";
            mnemonics[RET    ] = "ret";

            mnemonics[BREAK  ] = "break";
            mnemonics[SYSCALL] = "syscall";

            return mnemonics;
