NetAddr-IP / t / new-store.t
@Luis Muñoz Luis Muñoz on 21 Oct 2014 822 bytes Import of LUISMUNOZ/NetAddr-IP-3.21 from CPAN.
# t/new-store.t - test new Storable related - methods
# $Id: new-store.t,v 1.1 2004/10/11 15:40:29 lem Exp $

use Test::More;

my $tests = 7;

plan tests => $tests;

    skip "Failed to use Storable", $tests
	unless use_ok("Storable", 'freeze', 'thaw');

    skip "Failed to use NetAddr::IP", $tests
	unless use_ok("NetAddr::IP");

    my $oip = new NetAddr::IP "localhost";
    my $nip;

    isa_ok($oip, 'NetAddr::IP', 'Correct return type');

    my $serialized;

    eval { $serialized = freeze($oip) };
    unless (ok(!$@, "Freezing"))
	diag $@;

#    diag "Result is '$serialized'";

    eval { $nip = thaw($serialized) };
    unless (ok(!$@, "Thawing"))
	diag $@;

    isa_ok($nip, 'NetAddr::IP', 'Recovered correct type');
    is("$nip", "$oip", "New object eq original object");