NetAddr-IP / tutorial.htm

<a name="about"><h2>What this tutorial is all about...</h2></a>

<p>Some of us, monks who love Perl, also have to deal with the
complexities of IP addresses, subnets and such. A while ago, I wrote <a
to help me work out tedious tasks such as finding out which addresses
fell within a certain subnet or allocating IP space to network

<p>This tutorial discusses many common tasks along with solutions
using <a
Since Perl lacks a native type to represent either an IP address or an
IP subnet, I feel this module has been quite helpful for fellow monks
who like me, need to work in this area.

<p>Note however that neither the module itself nor this tutorials are
intended as replacements to your knowledge about how to work with
chunks of IP space. The module was written as a tool to help with the
boring tasks (after all, we're plentiful with good laziness, aren't
we?) and this tutorial, was written to help answer the most common
questions I get. Both the module and this tutorial expect you to be
fluent in basic networking and somewhat fluent in Perl. You should not
writing Perl code to manage your subnetting otherwise.


<a name="new"><h2>Specifying an IP Address or a subnet</h2></a>

<p>A <a
object represents a subnet. This involves storing an IP address
<b>within</b> the subnet along with the subnet's netmask. Of course,
using a host netmask (/32 or in decimal notation,
allows for the specification of a single IP address.

<p>You can create a <a
object with an incantation like the following:

use NetAddr::IP;
my $ip = new NetAddr::IP '';

<p>which will create an object representing the 'address'
<tt></tt> or the 'subnet' <tt></tt>.

<p>Creating a subnet is equally easy. Just specify the address and
netmask in almost any common notation, as in the following examples:

use NetAddr::IP;
my $loopback = new NetAddr::IP '', '';
my $rfc1918 = new NetAddr::IP '';
my $another = new NetAddr::IP '';
my $loopback2 = new NetAddr::IP 'loopback';

<p>The following is a list of the acceptable arguments to
<tt>->new()</tt> and their meanings:


<p>Equivalent to the address <tt></tt> which is often
used to denote a broadcast address.


<p>Synonim to the address <tt></tt> which is universally used
to represent a default route. This subnet is guaranteed to
<tt>->contains()</tt> any other subnet. More on that later.

<p>For the benefit of many Cisco users out there, <tt>any</tt> is
considered a synonim of <tt>default</tt>.


<p>The same as the address <tt></tt> which is the standard
<tt>loopback</tt> address.

<li><tt>->new('')</tt> or <tt>->new('')</tt>

<p>This represents a single host. When no netmask is supplied, a netmask
of <tt>/32</tt> is assumed. When supplying a name, the host name will
be looked up using <a
which will in turn use whatever name resolution is configured in your
system to obtain the IP address associated with the supplied name.


<p>An ancient notation that allows the <em>middle zeroes</em> to be
skipped. The example is equivalent to <tt>->new('')</tt>.


<p>Note the trailing dot. This format allows the omission of the
netmask for classful subnets. The example is equivalent to

<li><tt>->new(' -')</tt>

<p>This is also known as <em>range notation</em>. Both ends of an
address range are specified. Note that this notation is only supported
if the specified subnet can be represented in valid CIDR notation.


<p>This notation is a shorthand for the <em>range notation</em>
discussed above. It provides for the specification of an address range
where both of its ends share the first octets. This notation is only
supported when the specified range of hosts defined a proper CIDR


<p>Whenever the address is specified as a numeric value greater than
255, it is assumed to contain an IP address encoded as an unsigned int.

<li><tt>->new()</tt> with two arguments

<p>Whenever two arguments are specified to <tt>->new()</tt>, the first
is always going to be interpreted as the IP address and the second
will always be the netmask, in any of the formats discussed so far.

<p>Netmasks can be specified in dotted-quad notation, as the number of
one-bits or as the equivalent unsigned int. Also, special keywords
such as <tt>broadcast</tt>, <tt>default</tt> or <tt>host</tt> can be
used as netmasks.


<p>The semantics and notations depicted above, are supposed to comply
strictly with the DWIM approach which is so popular with Perl. The
general idea is that you should be able to stick almost anything
resembling an IP address or a subnet specification into the
<tt>->new()</tt> method to get an equivalent object. However, if you
can find another notation that is not included in the above list,
please by all means let me know.


<a name="overloading"><h2>Simple operations with subnets</h2></a>

<P>There is a number of operations that have been simplified along the
different versions of the module. The current version, as of this
writing, provides support for the following operations:


<p>A <a
object will become its CIDR representation whenever a scalar
representation for it is required. For instance, you can very well do
something like <tt>print "My object contains $ip\n";</tt>.

<li>Numerical comparison

<p>Two objects can be compared using any of the numerical comparison
operators. Only the address part of the subnet is compared. The
netmask is ignored in the comparison.

<li>Increments and decrements

<p>Adding or substracting a scalar from an object will change the
address in the subnet, but always keeping it within the subnet. This
is very useful to write loops, like the following:

use NetAddr::IP;
my $ip = new NetAddr::IP('');
while ($ip < $ip->broadcast) {
  print "ip = $ip\n";
  $ip ++;

<p>which will produce the following output:

ip =
ip =
ip =

<li>List expansion

<p>When required, a <a
will expand automatically to a list containing all the addresses
within a subnet, conveniently leaving the subnet and the broadcast
addresses out. The following code shows this:

use NetAddr::IP;
my $ip = new NetAddr::IP('');
print join(' ', @$ip), "\n";

<p>And the output would be




<a name="common"><h2>Common (and not so common) tasks</h2></a>

<p>Below I will try to provide an example for each major feature of <a
along with a description of what is being done, where appropiate.

<a name="compact"><h3>Optimising the address space</h3></a>

<p>This is one of the reason for writing <a
in the first place. Let's say you have a few chunks of IP space and
you want to find the <em>optimum</em> CIDR representation for
them. By optimum, I mean the least amount of CIDR subnets that exactly
represent the given IP address space. The code below is an example of

use NetAddr::IP;

push @addresses, NetAddr::IP->new($_) for &lt;DATA>;
print join(", ", NetAddr::IP::compact(@addresses)), "\n";

<p>Which will, of course, output <tt>,,</tt>. Let's see how this is done...

<p>First, the line starting with <tt>push ...</tt> creates a list of
objects representing all the subnets read in via the
<tt>&lt;DATA&gt;</tt> filehandle. There should be no surprises here.

<p>Then, we call <tt>NetAddr::IP::compact</tt> with the list of
subnets build earlier. This function accepts a list of subnets as its
input (actually, an array of objects). It processes them internally
and outputs another array of objects, as summarized as possible.

<p>Using <tt>compact()</tt> as in the example is fine when you're
dealing with a few subnets or are writing a throw-away one-liner. If
you think your script will be handling more than a few tens of
subnets, you might find <tt>compactref()</tt> useful. It works exactly
as shown before, but takes (and returns) references to arrays. I've
seen 10x speed improvements when working with huge lists of subnets.

<p>Something that gets asked quite frequently is <em>"why not
<tt>@EXPORT</tt> or at least, <tt>@EXPORT_OK</tt> methods such as
<tt>compact()</tt>?"</em>. The answer is that I believe
<tt>compact()</tt> to be a very generic name, for an operation that
is not always used. I think fully qualifying it, adds to the mnemonics
of what's being done while not polluting the namespace innecesarilly.


<a name="split"><h3>Assigning address space</h3></a>

<p>This problem can be tought as the complement to the prior
one. Let's say a couple of network segments need to be connected to
your network. You can carve slices out of your address space easily,
such as in the following code:

use NetAddr::IP;

print "My address space contains the following /24s:\n", 
	join("\n", NetAddr::IP->new('')->split(24)), "\n";

<p>Which will divide your precious address space (the one specified in
the <tt>NetAddr::IP->new()</tt>) in subnets with a netmask of 24
bytes. This magic is accomplished by the <tt>->split()</tt> method,
which takes the number of bits in the mask as its only parameter. It
returns a list of subnets contained in the original object.

<p>Again, in situations where the split might return a large number of
subnets, you might prefer the use of <tt>->splitref()</tt>, which
returns a reference to an array instead.

<p>Returning to our example, you might assign a /24 to each new
subnet. Ok, perhaps assigning a /24 is not that good an example, as
this falls on an octet boundary but trust me, when you have to split a
/16 in /20s, to be allocated in chunks of /22s in a network spanning
the whole country, it's nice to know your subnetting is well done.


<a name="wildcard"><h3>Cisco's wildcard notation (and other dialects)</h3></a>

<p>Those of you who have had to write an ACL in a Cisco router, know
about the joys of this peculiar format in which the netmask works the
opposite of what custom says.

<p>An easy way to convert between traditional notation and Cisco's
wildcard notation, is to use the eloquently named
<tt>->wildcard()</tt> method, as this example shows:

use NetAddr::IP;

print join(' ', NetAddr::IP->new('')->wildcard());

<p>As you might have guessed, <tt>->wildcard()</tt> returns an array
whose first element is the address and its second element is the
netmask, in wildcard notation. If scalar context is forced using
<tt>scalar</tt>, only the netmask will be returned, as this is most
likely what you want.

<p>In case you wonder, the example outputs <tt></tt>.

<p>Just for the record, below is a number of outputs from different
methods for the above example:

<li>Range (The <tt>->range()</tt> method)

<p>Outputs <tt> -</tt>. Note that this range goes
from the <em>network address</em> to the <em>broadcast

<li>CIDR notation (The <tt>->cidr()</tt> method)

<p>As expected, it outputs <tt></tt>. 

<li>Prefix notation (The <tt>->prefix()</tt> method)

<p>Similar to <tt>->range()</tt>, this method produces
<tt></tt>. However, note that the first address is
<b>not</b> the network address but the first host address. 

<li><em>n</em>-Prefix notation (The <tt>->nprefix()</tt> method)

<p>Produces <tt></tt>. Note how the broadcast address is
not within the range. 

<li>Numeric (The <tt>->numeric()</tt> method)

<p>In scalar context, produces and unsigned int that represents the
address in the subnet. In array context, both the address and netmask
are returned. For the example, the array output is <tt>(167772160,
4294967168)</tt>. This is very useful when serializing the object for
storage. You can pass those two numbers back to <tt>->new()</tt> and
get your object back. 

<li>Just the IP address (The <tt>->addr()</tt> method)

<li>Just the netmask as a dotted quad (The <tt>->mask()</tt> method)

<li>The length in bits of the netmask (The <tt>->masklen()</tt> method)


<a name="contains"><h3>Matching against your address space</h3></a>

<p>Let's say you have a log full of IP addresses and you want to know
which ones belong to your IP space. A simple way to achieve this is
shown below:

use NetAddr::IP;

my $space = new NetAddr::IP->new('');

for my $ip (map { new NetAddr::IP->new($_) } &lt;DATA>)
    print $ip, "\n"
        if $space->contains($ip);


<p>This code will output only the addresses belonging to your address
space, represented by <tt>$space</tt>. The only interesting thing here
is the use of the <tt>->contains()</tt> method. As used in our
example, it returns a true value if <tt>$ip</tt> is completely contained within
the <tt>$space</tt> subnet.

<p>Alternatively, the condition could have been written as
<tt>$ip->within($space)</tt>. Remember that TIMTOWTDI.


<a name="iteration"><h3>Walking through the network without leaving
the office</h3></a>

<p>Some of the nicest features of <a
can be better put to use when you want to perform actions with your
address space. Some of them are discussed below.

<p>One of the most efficient ways to walk your address space is
building a <tt>for</tt> loop, as this example shows:

use NetAddr::IP;

push @space, new NetAddr::IP->new($_) for &lt;DATA>;

for my $netblock (NetAddr::IP::compact @space) 
    for (my $ip = $netblock->first;
         $ip <= $netblock->last;
         # Do something with $ip

<p>The nicest thing about this way of walking your IP space, is that
even if you are lucky enough to have lots of it, you won't eat all
your memory by generating a huge list of objects. In this example,
only one object is created in every iteration of the loop.

<p>Everything up to the inner loop should be pretty clear by now, so
we just ignore it. Since a couple of new friends were introduced in
the inner loop of our example, an explanation is in order.

<p>This C-like <tt>for</tt> loop uses the <tt>->first()</tt> function to
find the first subnet address. The first subnet address is defined as
that having all of its <em>host bits</em> but the rightmost set to
zero and the rightmost, set to one.

<p>We then use the numerical comparison discussed earlier to see if
the value of <tt>$ip</tt> is less than or equal to whatever
<tt>->last()</tt> returns. <tt>->last()</tt> returns an address with
all of its host bits set to one but the rightmost. If this condition
holds, we execute the loop and post-increment <tt>$ip</tt> to get the
next IP address in the subnet.

<p>I started the discussion on this topic with the approach that
insures less wasted resources. However, in the purest Perl tradition,
this is not the only way to do it. There's another way, reserved for
the true lazy (or those with memory to burn, but we all know you never
have enough memory, right?).

<p>This other way is invoked with the <tt>->hostenum()</tt> or the
<tt>->hostenumref()</tt> methods. They return either an array or a
reference to an array respectively, containing one object for each
<em>host</em> address in the subnet. Note that only valid host
addresses will be returned (as objects) since the network and
broadcast addresses are seldom useful.

<p>With no further preamble, I introduce an example that kids
shouldn't attempt at home, or at least in production code. (If you
find this warning superfluous, try adding <tt></tt> to the
<tt>__DATA__</tt> section and see if your machine chews through it

use NetAddr::IP;

push @space, new NetAddr::IP->new($_) for &lt;DATA>;

for my $ip (map { $_->hostenum } NetAddr::IP::compact @space) 
    # Do something with $ip

<p>If you really have enough memory, you'll see that each host address
in your IP space is generated into a huge array. This is much more
costly (read, slow) than the approach presented earlier, but provides
for more compact one-liners or quickies.


<a name="num"><h3>Finding out how big is your network</h3></a>

<p>Have you wondered just how many IP addresses can you use in your
current subnet plan? If the answer to this (or to a similar question)
is <em>yes</em>, then read on.

<p>There is a method called <tt>->num()</tt> that will tell you
exactly how many addresses can you use in a given subnet. For the
quick observers out there, you can also use something like <tt>scalar
$subnet->hostenum</tt> but this is a really expensive way of doing it.

<p>A more conservative (in resources) approach is depicted below:

use NetAddr::IP;

my $hosts = 0;
push @space, new NetAddr::IP->new($_) for &lt;DATA>;
$hosts += $_->num for @space;
print "You have $hosts\n";

<p>Sometimes, you will be surprised at how many addresses are lost by
subnetting, but we'll leave that discussion to other tutorials.
