- Revision history for Perl extension NetAddr::IP
- 4.075 Wed Jun 11 11:41:17 PDT 2014
- make CPAN happy with new rev number
- 4.074 Wed Jun 11 09:36:10 PDT 2014
- In Lite.pm v1.54,
- change input filter for resolvable hostnames
- to allow the underscore character
- Thanks to grankio [...] gmail.com for the heads up on this issue.
- 4.073 Sat Apr 5 09:32:11 PDT 2014
- add documentation about FQDN conversion and
- an option to disable
- 4.072 Mon Jan 27 11:59:58 PST 2014
- modify Makefile.PL to bypass missing 'pod2text'
- 4.071 Mon Sep 30 13:41:03 PDT 2013
- add method "canon" by request from <tom.jones@bccx.com>
- 4.070 Thu Sep 12 12:54:22 PDT 2013
- nth documention error fixed. thanks to Anton tobez@tobez.org
- Lite v1.51, add new6FFFF, RFC4291 compliant ipv4->ipV6 new
- 4.069 Sat May 25 15:10:45 PDT 2013
- IN Lite.pm v1.50, add =encoding UTF-8
- In Util.pm v1.50
- changed Makefile.PL to check for config.h when building for XS
- with 'gcc', try building with 'cc', and check again.
- If config.h is not found, force Pure Perl mode.
- Kill XS in winduhs and Darwin, both of which misbehave when compiling XS code
- 4.068 Wed Apr 3 10:52:24 PDT 2013
- update Makefile.PL in Util.pm v 1.49 to better detect 'winduhs'
- 4.067 Sat Mar 30 12:57:20 PDT 2013
- Improved diagnostic message for "die" with bad mask for
- hostenum, hostenumref, split, splitref, rsplit, rsplitref
- Thanks to GENSYM@cpan.org for pointing out the need.
- 4.066 Mon Oct 29 13:30:14 PDT 2012
- update Lite.pm v1.47 to support bracketed IPv6 URI notation
- as described in RFC-3986
- Thanks to Quanah Gibson-Mount mishikal@yahoo.com
- 4.065 Tue Oct 2 12:36:11 PDT 2012
- correct format for IPv6 embedded IPv4 addresses
- in InetBase v0.8
- 4.064 Tue Sep 25 13:54:47 PDT 2012
- added support for rfc3021 /31 networks to hostenum
- 4.063 Fri Aug 10 11:46:18 PDT 2012
- Updated GPL v2.0 text and address in all modules
- 4.062 Wed Jun 6 12:34:48 PDT 2012
- documentation updates courtesy of
- Ben Bullock <benkasminbullock@gmail.com>
- Thank you Ben.
- 4.061 Tue May 8 16:24:03 PDT 2012
- fixed bug in Lite v1.44 that returned
- $ip->num() = 2^128 for
- Thanks to Sebastian <debug@test1.org> for spotting it.
- 4.060 Fri Apr 6 16:00:02 PDT 2012
- In Lite.pm v1.43,
- fix bug #75976, change in behavior introduced in v4.050
- where an empty string supplied to "new" previously returned
- 'undef' and now returns 'default' for ipV4 or ipV6
- 4.059 Wed Mar 7 12:50:04 PST 2012
- add is_rfc1918 to Lite.pm v1.42
- documentation updates
- 4.058 Fri Nov 11 19:23:11 PST 2011
- up rev for documentation update
- update documentation in InetBase v0.06
- 4.057 Fri Nov 11 15:04:20 PST 2011
- Lite.pm v1.40
- add call to InetBase::fillIPv4 to all uses of gethostbyname
- break out the code in InetBase v0.05 that expands short IPv4
- addresses into dotquad format to account for broken BSD
- implementations of inet_aton and gethostbyname that do
- not recognize the short format. EXPORT this as sub 'fillIPv4'
- in Util.pm v1.45, add 'fillIPv4' to calls to gethostbyname to
- work around broken inet_aton and gethostbyname implementations
- in certain BSD implementations
- 4.056 Wed Nov 2 19:15:31 PDT 2011
- bump rev to incorporate
- improved inet_aton in InetBase v0.04 to overcome broken
- gethostbyname found in NetBSD and OpenBSD
- 4.055 Fri Oct 28 11:41:22 PDT 2011
- in Lite.pm v1.38
- patch for bug 71869, issues with Math::BigInt varients
- 4.054 Thu Oct 27 12:48:55 PDT 2011
- In Lite.pm v1.37, remove Calc.pm
- add detection of early Math::Bigint object structure
- fix bug 71869 - a failed test routine
- 4.053 Wed Oct 26 08:52:34 PDT 2011
- In Lite.pm v1.36
- fix bug #71925. A a sub-varient of #62521 that showed up only for
- short notation for IPv4. i.e. 127/n, 127.0/n, 127.0.0/n but
- not
- 4.052 Tue Oct 25 16:18:38 PDT 2011
- add test in Lite.pm v1.35 for api-version of Math::BigInt to
- support versions earlier than 1.70, circa Dec 2003.
- Thanks to Paul Howarth <paul@city-fan.org> for spotting that bug.
- 4.051 Mon Oct 24 14:44:53 PDT 2011
- fix bug 71869
- in Lite.pm v1.34
- use Math::BigInt::Calc for creating BigInt values and fall
- back to NetAddr::IP::Calc if Math::BigInt is not present.
- remove reference to Config{osname} in InetBase.pm v0.03
- (Util 1.43)
- 4.050 Sat Oct 22 01:58:57 PDT 2011
- In Lite/Util/lib/NetAddr/IP/Lite/Util/InetBase.pm v0.02
- Socket6 prior to version 0.23 does not have AF_INET6 in the
- EXPORT_OK array, modify InetBase.pm v0.2 to work around this.
- Add support for Math::BigInt to NetAddr::IP::Lite v1.33
- 4.049 Sat Oct 15 22:15:10 PDT 2011
- Updates to Lite.pm, Util.pm, new module InetBase.pm
- In Lite v1.32
- bug68723, add capability to parse input of the form
- ->new6(12345,1). This should have been there but was
- missing. Thanks to Andrei Benea for spotting this.
- In Util v1.41
- add inet_pton, inet_ntop, AF_INET, AF_INET6
- modify inet_n2dx and inet_n2ad to
- recognize the new 128 bit IPv4 format
- ::FFFF:FFFF:0:0
- replace isIPv4 with a pure perl version for portablity
- split the following into NetAddr::IP::InetBase v0.01
- to provide better long term support for IPv6
- inet_aton
- inet_ntoa
- ipv6_aton
- ipv6_n2x
- ipv6_n2d
- inet_any2n
- inet_n2dx
- inet_n2ad
- inet_ntop
- inet_pton
- packzeros
- isIPv4
- isNewIPv4
- isAnyIPv4
- 4.048 Sat Oct 8 01:33:44 PDT 2011
- remove debug print statement from Util v1.40
- 4.047 Thu Oct 6 23:41:42 PDT 2011
- really correct missing reference in Util v1.39
- doc update only in Lite.pm v1.30
- 4.046 Thu Oct 6 20:20:33 PDT 2011 DEPRECATED
- corrected missing reference to inet_4map6 in Util v1.38
- 4.045 Thu Oct 6 18:23:04 PDT 2011 DEPRECATED
- updated NetAddr::IP::Util 1.37
- addid isAnyIPv4, isNewIPv4, inet_4map6
- revised naip_gethostbyname
- to conform to Perl's gethostbyname output
- 4.044 Wed May 18 14:47:34 PDT 2011
- added missing support for ->compactref(\@list) which is described
- in the documentation but not implemented.
- Thanks to Rusty Bourland codebard@gmail.com for spotting this
- and providing both a patch and test code
- 4.043 Wed Apr 6 11:31:19 PDT 2011
- Update documentation on the use of "adding constants
- to an IP address".
- 4.042 Tue Mar 22 15:26:02 PDT 2011
- Update Lite.pm v1.27 to encompass treatment of /31 and /127
- point-to-point networks as described in RFC 3021
- NOTE: for /31's and /127's
- this changes the behavior of the following methods:
- first returns the "network" address
- last returns the "broadcast" address
- nth index 0 returns "network" addr instead of undef
- nth index 1 returns "broadcast" addr instead of undef
- num returns 2 instead of 0 (zero)
- "old_nth" behavior is unchanged
- Thanks to Todd Caine todd.caine@gmail.com for pointing this out.
- 4.041 Tue Mar 8 15:18:16 PST 2011
- Updated Lite.pm v1.26, "sub num" to support usable IP ranges
- greater than 2**32
- Thanks to Jan Ploski jan@plosquare.com for finding this bug
- 4.040 Sat Feb 19 10:04:00 PST 2011
- correction to use of Util.pm package lexicals
- thanks to mishikal@yahoo.com for spotting the bug and to
- Mark Martinec mark.martinec+ama...@ijs.si for the solution.
- 4.039 Wed Feb 16 15:48:03 PST 2011
- Correct documentation for 'split' methods
- 4.038 Fri Dec 17 17:47:47 PST 2010
- Modify subs "new" and "new6" in Lite.pm to accomodate
- Cisco mask syntax that uses space instead of "/" for a separator
- This eliminates the need for "new_cis" and "newcis6" which are now
- deprecated.
- Modify LIte/t/v4-cnew.t and add Lite/t/v6-cnew.t to test the above
- 4.037 Fri Nov 19 10:48:01 PST 2010
- add :upper and :lower to Lite.pm v1.23
- add comments about rfc5952 requirement for lowercase ipV6 notation
- in Lite.pm v1.23 and IP.pm
- add test for :lower in Lite.pm v1.23
- 4.036 Tue Nov 16 16:28:37 PST 2010
- In Util.pm v1.35, naip_gethostbyname modified to return undef
- instead of 0 (zero) on failure
- thanks to Terry Cassidy enaudishaylee@tc17.com for the bug report
- In Util.pm v1.35, move sub's ipv6_n2d and ipv6_n2x to non-autosplit
- portion of module to eliminate warnings during autosplit of "our"
- variables
- thanks to Nicholas Bamber <nicholas@periapt.co.uk>
- Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=517361
- In Lite.pm v1.22, update new6 to properly classify short ipv4 notation
- i.e. 127/8 with test for ":" rather than match for \d.\d.\d.\d
- thanks to Steve Huff (SHUFF) * shuff@cpan.org for
- spotting that bug.
- In Lite.pm v1.22, update t/v4-new.t for deprecated array syntax in
- perl 5.13
- was: qw(...stuff...)
- is: (qw(...stuff...))
- thanks to Todd Rinaldo <toddr@cpan.org> for reporting this
- 4.035 Thu Oct 28 14:26:19 PDT 2010
- fix bug in Lite v1.21 where new6 improperly assigns the mask value
- for and ipv4 address in 32 bit space instead of 128 bit space
- Thanks to Mark Martinec and Steve Huff (SHUFF) * shuff@cpan.org
- for spotting and replicating that bug
- added new_cis and new_cis6 to Lite.pm v1.21 to accomodate
- Cisco syntax that has IP and MASK separated by a space.
- Updated typo in documentation that left out example
- print new6 stuff
- 4.034 Mon Oct 25 16:22:01 PDT 2010
- Updated Lite::_xnew v1.20 to properly handle ipV6 notation of the form
- xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx, DDD
- Thanks to Dusty Mabe <Dusty.Mabe@tekelec.com> for spotting this bug
- 4.033 Wed Sep 29 10:32:50 PDT 2010
- Conditionalize import of AF_INET6 in Util.pm
- NetAddr::IP::UtilPolluted
- 4.032 Wed Sep 22 13:39:08 PDT 2010
- Added overload => 'ne' and '!=' to Lite.pm v1.18
- 4.031 Tue Sep 21 19:21:04 PDT 2010
- Pull Socket6 stuff out of Lite 1.17 and put into
- NetAddr::IP::Util.pm 1.33 in its own namespace
- 4.030 Tue Jul 20 15:32:23 PDT 2010
- Resolve named hosts in Lite.pm using gethostbyname, followed by
- gethostbyname6 to determine whether to set ipV6 flag
- Thanks to Dusty Mabe <Dusty.Mabe@tekelec.com> for spotting this bug
- 4.029 Thu Jul 8 18:17:38 PDT 2010
- In NetAddr::IP::Lite,
- added support for the sub "new" to resolve host6 names
- if the OPTIONAL perl Socket6 module is available
- Thanks to "Mabe, Dusty" <Dusty.Mabe@tekelec.com> for spotting
- this and suggesting a fix.
- 4.028 Wed May 12 14:18:20 PDT 2010
- In /Lite/Util/Util.xs v1.32,
- changed netswap() to postincrement
- *a++ = to *a and added increment after save to mollify some
- picky compilers that return possible undefined behavior.
- changed type of _128x10 to 'void'
- Thanks to David Bolt <dbolt@davjam.org> for the above two patches
- 4.027 Tue Jun 9 10:31:11 PDT 2009
- In NetAddr::IP::Util v1.31,
- ferret out shell value for Makefile.PL when calling
- ./configure for systems where the 'x' bit gets lost
- due to bug in Archive::Tar
- 4.026 Sat Mar 7 16:35:33 PST 2009
- make the compiler test check the environment for
- CC before using Perl's default compiler
- 4.025 Sat Mar 7 16:15:18 PST 2009
- revised compiler test in Makefile.PL for Util v1.29
- to accomodate picky Solaris "cc"
- 4.024 Mon Jan 26 00:27:32 PST 2009
- documentation update
- 4.023 Fri Jan 16 14:30:40 PST 2009
- added the capability to set the CASE of ipV6 text return
- values to either upper or lower. Thanks to
- Rob Riepel <riepel@networking.Stanford.EDU> for developing
- this improvement and providing a comprehensive patch
- 4.022 Sat Dec 20 13:05:01 PST 2008
- In Util.xs 1.28
- set uninitialized "carry" in XS bin2bcd to zero
- This insidious bug only showed up on 64 bit hosts running perl 5.6.2
- Thanks to Oliver Paukstadt <pstadt@sourcentral.org> for taking the
- time to do the testing for me on his s390 system.
- 4.021 Wed Dec 10 11:09:36 PST 2008
- Removed test code that produces a warning about all perl versions,
- OOPS!! instead of just the buggy 5.8.0 - 5.8.5 versions.
- Thanks to paul@city-fan.org for reporting this.
- 4.020 Tue Dec 9 16:25:46 PST 2008
- cleaned up various typo's with good patch from
- Rob Riepel <riepel@networking.Stanford.EDU>
- thanks Rob.
- revised UtilPP v1.7 to work around perl 5.8.4
- failures with certain @_ operations of goto &sub...
- see perl bug [ 23429]. Unfortunately, perl-5.8.4 is
- the distribution of choice for many solaris boxes
- 4.019 Sat Nov 29 15:15:30 PST 2008
- in Lite/Util, add pure perl testing to XS build
- 4.018 Fri Nov 28 23:19:01 PST 2008
- revised XS code to be full re-entrant, thread safe in Util.xs v1.26
- removed all traces of mutex locks in Util.xs v1.26
- removed function 'threads' here an in UtilPP v1.6
- 4.017 Sun Nov 23 19:32:59 PST 2008
- Extended the capability of 'splitref' to allow splitting of
- objects into multiple pieces with differing CIDR masks.
- Returned object list can be split from bottom to top
- or from top to bottom depending on which method is called
- split, rsplit, splitref, rsplitref
- Thanks to kashmish <kashmish@gmail.com> for the idea on
- improving functionality of 'split'.
- Thanks to Rob Riepel <riepel@networking.Stanford.EDU>
- for a faster and more accurate _compV6 function.
- in UtitPP v1.5
- correct documentation error
- add threads reporting (empty string)
- in Util v1.25
- add threads reporting that returns a comma separated
- string of build headers.
- added what is hopefully thread safe operation via
- serialization. Must be invoked by "--with-threads"
- in Lite v1.12
- corrected missing Zeros subroutine
- Zeros and Zero both will work
- in Lite v1.12
- added minus (-) overloading to allow the subtraction
- of two NetAddr::IP objects to get the difference between
- the object->{addr}'s as a numeric value
- Thanks to Rob Riepel <riepel@networking.Stanford.EDU>
- for the initial code and inspiration for this enhancement
- 4.016 Wed Nov 5 18:13:20 PST 2008
- in Util/ version 1.24
- Clean up Makefile.PL to check actual required link
- libraries against the perl build for consistency
- 4.015 Sun Nov 2 10:10:38 PST 2008
- in Util v1.23 add missing headers in configure and localconf.h
- for Solaris inet_xton
- thanks to Karl Bunch <karl@digilink.net> for spotting the bug.
- 4.014 Sat Nov 1 15:13:48 PST 2008
- in Lite.pm v1.11, add test for characters not allowed by
- rfc952 before the call to gethostbyname in sub new() for those
- people that insist on using deprecated functionality :aton
- and OS's that fail to notice calls to gethostbyname with
- binary arguments.
- 4.013 Wed Oct 22 15:04:49 PDT 2008
- In Lite.pm v1.10, add new no octal method for
- improperly formatted ipV4 addresses
- In Util.pm v1.22, eliminated dependence on PL_sawampersand
- thanks to Mark Martinec <Mark.Martinec@ijs.si>
- for spotting this and submitting a patch.
- In Util.pm v1.22, force -noxs mode for Win32
- In Util.pm v1.22, use autoconf to configure 'C' build
- 4.012 Thu Oct 16 19:35:33 PDT 2008
- clear build bug for Win32 in Util.pm v 1.21
- 4.011 released Oct 6 13:10
- 4.010 Sat Sep 27 17:00:28 PDT 2008
- in NetAddr::IP::Util v0.19
- updated test for ENDIANess in siteconf
- add test in inet_aton to detect overange IP dot quad values
- missed by some broken Socket implementations
- i.e. would fail to return undef
- NOTE: Versions 4.008 and 4.009 had limited release to tester only
- and were not uploaded to CPAN. All of the v4.008, 4.009
- changes are incorporated in v4.010
- 4.009 Tue Sep 2 19:09:57 PDT 2008
- In NetAddr::IP::Lite v1.07,
- in the off chance that NetAddr::IP::Lite objects are created
- and the caller later loads NetAddr::IP and expects to use
- those objects, let the AUTOLOAD routine find and redirect
- NetAddr::IP::Lite method and subroutine calls to NetAddr::IP.
- updated Lite/t/v4-wnew.t so that non-existent
- domains are "really" not there
- 4.008 Sat Jun 7 14:01:55 PDT 2008
- inherit method "new_from_aton" from NetAddr::IP::Lite
- add related documentation
- Inherited methods from Lite.pm updated as follows:
- comparisons of the form <, >, <=, >=
- {operator}
- return now return the comparison of the cidr value
- when the address portion is equal.
- NOTE: this comparison returns the comparison of the NUMERIC
- value of the CIDR. This produces the counter intuitive result
- that /24 > /16. There is logic to this, really! For proper
- operation of commands like "Compact" and "Coalesce", lists of
- netaddr objects must sort in ascending order. However, this
- conflicts with the requirement for larger netblocks to sort
- FIRST so as to include smaller ones. This logic extends to
- any requirement for a sort of netaddr objects. It should be
- further noted that the mixing of netaddr objects with varying
- IP addresses and CIDR allocations can lead to unexpected
- results since the comparisons done first on the IP portion
- and then on the CIDR portion. The documentation has been
- updated appropriately.
- Thanks to Peter DeVries for spotting this discrepancy
- 4.007 Wed Jun 6 16:41:11 VET 2007
- Update copyright dates
- 4.006 Wed Jun 6 15:58:04 VET 2007
- A patch from Michael got rid of $& and $` as reported by Daryl
- O'Shea and documented at
- http://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=5312
- 4.004 Wed Aug 16 16:01:54 PDT 2006
- update to include/exclude files in corrupted distro
- 4.003 Sun Aug 6 10:48:25 PDT 2006
- correct SYNOPSIS documentation
- add :old_nth
- update Lite.pm documentation
- update Util.pm documentation
- Imported into distribution CVS tree - Some revision number
- mismatches are to be expected
- Latin-1 is back
- Fixed some angle brackets so that they show up in the docs
- 4.002 Fri Aug 4 14:14:16 PDT 2006
- remove unused global variable $isV6
- update Lite.pm to v1.02
- $isV6 global converted to a lexical variable within sub "_xnew"
- $Class global removed and replaced by calls to UNIVERSAL::isa
- Thanks to julian@mehnle.net for spotting problems related to
- using the Lite.pm with mod_perl
- 4.001 Thu Jul 6 14:09:01 PDT 2006
- various bug fixes courtesy of Luis Munoz:
- changes to Lite.pm v1.01, Util.pm v0.17 see Changes in those distros.
- update t/v6-re.t, addconst called as a scalar, should be called to
- return the address value ()[1]
- 4.000 Mon Jun 19 21:51:10 PDT 2006
- initial release of version 4.000 which includes
- full support of ipV6 addresses and drops the requirement
- for Math::BigInt and will run on older versions of Perl
- at least back to 5.005_03