define interfaces::iface ( $family, $method, $options=[], $auto=0, $ifname='UNSET' ) { case $family { inet: { if ! ($method in [loopback, static, manual, dhcp, bootp, ppp, wvdial]) { fail('method parameter must be one of loopback, static, manual, dhcp, bootp, ppp or wvdial for family inet') } } inet6: { if ! ($method in [loopback, static, manual, v4tunnel]) { fail('method parameter must be one of loopback, static, manual or v4tunnel for family inet6') } } ipx: { if ! ($method in [static, dynamic]) { fail('method parameter must be static or dynamic for family ipx') } } default: { fail('family parameter must be one of inet, inet6 or ipx') } } $ifname_real = $ifname ? { 'UNSET' => $name, default => $ifname, } if $auto == 1 { interfaces::auto { $ifname_real: } } concat::fragment{"interfaces::iface_${name}": target => '/etc/network/interfaces', content => inline_template("iface <%= @ifname_real %> <%= @family %> <%= @method %>\n\t<%= @options.join('\n\t') %>\n\n"), } }