puppet-monit / templates / options.erb
@root root on 3 May 2012 640 bytes Initial import
# automatically generated by puppet for <%= fqdn %>, DO NOT MODIFY!

# check services interval
<% if has_variable?("interval") then %>
set daemon <%= interval %>
<% else %>
set daemon 180
<% end %>

<% if has_variable?("mailserver") then %>
set mailserver <%= mailserver %>
<% end %>

<% if has_variable?("email") then %>
set alert <%= email %>
<% end %>

<% if has_variable?("http_address") and has_variable?("http_allow") and has_variable?("http_user") and has_variable?("http_password") then %>
set httpd port 2812 and
	use address <%= http_address %>
	allow <%= http_allow %>
	allow <%= http_user %>:<%= http_password %>
<% end %>