zweic / sources / zweic / Analyzer.scala
@glproj03 glproj03 on 20 Dec 2005 2 KB new files part 4
/*  zweic -- a compiler for Zwei
 *  Stephane Micheloud & LAMP
 *  $Id$

package zweic;

 * This class implements the semantic analyzer of zweic.
class Analyzer {

  import Operators._;
  import scala.collection.immutable.{Map, ListMap};

  // Global scope of classes
  type ClassScope = Map[String, ClassSymbol];
  var classScope: ClassScope = ListMap.Empty;

  // For local scopes of variables
  type VarScope = Map[String, VarSymbol];
  val emptyVarScope: VarScope = ListMap.Empty;

  // Analyze a program
  def analyzeProgram(tree: Program): Unit =
    tree match {

      case Program(classes, main) =>
        analyzeExpr(emptyVarScope, main);

  // Analyze a class
  private def analyzeClass(tree: ClassDef): Unit =
    // ... à compléter ...

  // Analyze a member
  private def analyzeMember(ownerClass: ClassSymbol, tree: Member): Unit =
    // ... à compléter ...

  // Analyze a statement
  private def analyzeStat(varScope: VarScope, tree: Stat): VarScope =
    tree match {

      case While(cond, stats) =>
        checkIntType(cond.pos, analyzeExpr(varScope, cond));
      // ... à compléter ...

  // Analyze a type
  private def analyzeType(tree: TypeTree): Type =
    tree match {
      case IntType() => IIntType
      case NullType() => INullType
      case ClassType(name) =>
        classScope.get( match {
          case Some(c) =>
            name.sym = c;
          case None =>
            Report.error(tree.pos, "Class " + name + " is unknown");

  // Analyze an expression
  private def analyzeExpr(varScope: VarScope, tree: Expr): Type =
    tree match {
      // ... à compléter ...
      case NullLit() =>

      case IntLit(_) =>
      // ... à compléter ...

   * Generates an error if the expected type is not equal
   * to the found type.
  private def checkSametype(pos: Int, found: Type, expected: Type): Unit =
    if (!found.isSametype(expected))
      error(pos, "Type mismatch", found, expected);

   * Generates an error if the found type is not equal to IIntType.
  private def checkIntType(pos: Int, found: Type): Unit =
    checkSametype(pos, found, IIntType);

   * Generates an error if the expected type is not a super type
   * of the found type.
  private def checkSubtype(pos: Int, header: String, found: Type, expected: Type) =
    if (!found.isSubtype(expected))
      error(pos, header, found, expected);

   * Generates an error message for unexpected types.
  private def error(pos: Int, header: String, found: Type, expected: Type) =
    Report.error(pos, header + "\nexpected type: " + expected + "\n" +
                      "actual type  : " + found);
