@Luis Muñoz Luis Muñoz authored on 9 Feb 2001
Gitpan committed on 21 Oct 2014
examples Import of LUISMUNOZ/NetAddr-IP-2.20 from CPAN. 24 years ago
t Import of LUISMUNOZ/NetAddr-IP-2.20 from CPAN. 24 years ago
Changes Import of LUISMUNOZ/NetAddr-IP-2.21 from CPAN. 24 years ago
IP.pm Import of LUISMUNOZ/NetAddr-IP-2.21 from CPAN. 24 years ago
MANIFEST Import of LUISMUNOZ/NetAddr-IP-2.20 from CPAN. 24 years ago
Makefile.PL Import of LUISMUNOZ/NetAddr-IP-2.20 from CPAN. 24 years ago
README Import of LUISMUNOZ/NetAddr-IP-2.20 from CPAN. 24 years ago
NetAddr::IP - Make it easier to manipulate IP addresses.

This module implements a simple class that allows for quite powerful
manipulation of IP Addresses in commonly used notations.

In order to install do

$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make 
$ make test
$ make install

As usual with most free software, this module is not covered by any
kind of warranty. You can use at your own risk for anything you wish.
If included or used in other products, proper credit must be maintained.

Module documentation can be found by using the following command

$ perldoc NetAddr::IP

The Changes file inside the distribution includes details about the
different revisions of this module.

If you find bugs/problems with this release, please let me know so
that I can fix it. You can reach me at lem@cantv.net.